Monday, September 10, 2012

Movie Monday.

Happy Monday!
Since graduating and moving to Nebraska, I have realized why everyone hates Mondays.
They are errand day. After the nice, relaxing (or busy) weekend- no matter what you did or what you got done, Monday inevitably is chore day. Normally the tedious chores to. Not the grocery shopping trips, but paying the bills, complaining to the phone company, and yelling at the cable guys for not calculating your discount right. Y'know, things that we procrastinate but must get done.

So, here is something to take your mind off things and remember about the past.
I remember watching this movie with friends as we would get ready for our mormon dances (Oh how I miss those...) back as freshman. Last week when I was on youtube it was one of the most popular videos of the day. What???? O-well. Here ya go!

By the way....this makes 100 posts. =]

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1 comment:

  1. Congrats on one hundred posts! i totally agree with your analysis of mondays :-)
