Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Differences make the heart grow stronger

Joe had to be all "Grad student research guy" this last weekend, so he was gone planting seeds and spreading fertilizer. Then he was back for a day, then gone again on Tuesday. So, Wednesday we spent some much needed time together and went on a date. 
Beautiful park.
Beautiful day with lovely weather.
Bratwursts, pie, and BBQ chips. 
Dogs, Husband, Baby cakes. 

It was nice.
Then, on our way home- Joe asks, "Anything else you want to do?" 
There was. I have been really wanting ice cream lately.
He said good, because that is where we are going (Win!).

Except for one thing.
We didn't get ice cream.
We got custard....

(FACT: A pet peeve of mine is when people mis-name things. Like, when I was little and people would ask me, 'You want an ice cream? *YES* Then they hand me a popsicle.) Not blaming Joe at all.... but he totally lead me on. 
So, Joe LOVES custard. But honestly, as much as I like it- I prefer ice cream. Sorbet is a REALLY close second. Then frozen yogurt. Then custard. (Sorry husband- this doesn't mean I hate it- I do like it! Especially when it means spending time with you. =])

But as far as I can tell, nothing beats the cold licks off an ice cream cone. 



  1. yeah, I agree. so not the same. but, I wouldn't order them the same as you. Sorbet is #1, then frozen yogurt then ice cream and lastly custard.

  2. Frozen yogurt with toppings !!! Or really any soft serve... <3
