Sunday, March 4, 2012

Satisfying Weirdness

I love my husband. 
He doesn't love school.
I love how hard he tries at things.
He doesn't love not succeeding when he tries so hard.
I love that he loves to learn.
He doesn't love chemistry.

Thus, this post.

Joe is taking Organic Chemistry. He is a Chem minor, with 3 chem classes left till he can graduate (including this one). Sometimes, things don't go as planned, and things arn't so happy.
Sometimes, Joe get's frustrated that all the effort doesn't see a very big reward.

But I see a man who does all he can, and when that fails, he finds more, and goes at it again.
Joe doesn't believe in, "Choosing the lesser of two evils", he believes in choosing the best out of the two outcomes that COULD be. 
He fights. And I know that as tired as he is, he won't let anything stop him.

So tonight, after a discouraging grade, when I informed Joe that he is my Hero- and he asked why, I thought about it.
This is what I came up with:

“We’re all a little weird. And life is weird. And when we find someone 
whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into 
mutually satisfying weirdness—and call it love—true love.” 
―Robert Fulghum

Joe and I, we are both a bit weird. 
Like one time, as we were driving, I saw a man whole in the road, and as Joe was drinking a soda, I told him "Man Whole" so he would stop drinking his soda as I drove over it. He looked at me (with shirt covered in soda) and asked, "Why didn't you drive around it?" 
Answer: It simply did not occur to me. I'm just a little weird. (Easily could have been done as well.)

One time, I told Joe I liked him- and it took him a a month to ask me out on a date. 
Because he is just a little weird.

You could say we didn't fall in love. You could say that we grew into love, or chose to be in love, something cheesy like that. 
But I don't think I need a reason.
I am in love with him, because we fit. Because although I am an optimist and he is a pessimist, I believe in imagination and he believes in science, that we complete each other.
We are weird, and we fell into a satisfying relationship- and we are. 

Yes, he is my hero for so many more reasons.
When Napoleon was hit by a car, he walked home carrying Napoleon wrapped in a blanket. And although he was dead, he couldn't stand leaving him outside in the cold all night till we could take him to be cremated- so we packed him away in a box and let him sleep inside one last time. (Gross- maybe. Comforting- extremely).
When we were newly married and moved away from our first time, I was missing home a lot. I had been away for maybe 36 hours, and Joe took me home for Mothers day. Woke up at 4 am, drove 3 hours, so we could be home to make breakfast. 
When we went to Mexico for our honeymoon and I wanted a Horchatta, we walked all around Mexico looking for one. (btw-NOT a Mexican drink. Never did find one.)
When I have a bad dream, I can wake him up, and he can make me feel all good inside.

But mostly, I do not think I need a reason. Because he is. 

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