Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I am not a big blogger.
I don't blog to keep a journal, I am an excellent journal keeper in a real journal.
I am not crafty. (I try, but this is not to record my un-craftiness skills)
I love to bake/cook, but I love to eat more.
I do not travel, but I want to see the world.
I do not have a unique life apart from the thousands of other college students.
I am a first time mother, and while I encourage everyone to have this experience, I find my baby fits in perfectly with the norm of babies. (Although, in her defense, is a lot cuter then most). It is not a blog about her though.

It's just a blog about me.
And hat makes me unique.
Whatever that is.

But everyone is different. And in a small way or not, this is what sets me apart:
-I am Mary, and I am married to a man named Joseph. (If you think you have a cooler name, or know someone with a cooler name, please keep it to yourself. As far as I am concerned, with our average, every-day names, this is what makes us one of a kind.)
- I am a complete optimist, but I still think the glass is, "Glass half empty".
- I was raised by the motto that "Little by little gets stuck in the middle". 
- I love dogs.  This last one, way important. I have very strong opinions about dogs to, such as dog people are great- but people with dogs, not so great.
- I am a writer. Not that unique. But 90% of the time, when I write my stories- they are always middle aged men. I don't know why. It just always turns out that way.
-I believe STRONGLY that people who use words like, 'hubby', 'hecka', and stupidly shortened words like 'ridic' should fall into a burning ring of fire.
-I also believe in randomly using lines from Johnny Cash songs.
-I believe that Country music is the only patriotic music (Other then songs like the National Anthem).
- Politics is a personal belief, and is something that should not be talked about in public places (unless clearly called for- such as a discussion, etc.)
- Horchata is my drink of choice.

And that is me. 

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  1. why is my adorable and favorite niece scowling? did you pinch her?

  2. She isnt scowling! She is deep In thought while looking to the distance
