Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Pompous- Or Just Well Informed?

People read blogs.
People stalk people.
People blog stalk.

I have it under good information that the reason people write, is because people read.
The reason people read, is because     
People also write, because others want to know about their lives.

Why else do you keep a blog? 
Honestly, the things you tell the world via blogs (Facebook, whatevers...), all the people who care to know, do. (i.e. spouse, parents). 
Everyone else- just wants in on your life where they can't be, so you blog.

Buy hey, that is our society today- and I have accepted it.
In fact, I embrace it. I sport in the blog stalking, and secretly hope I have some of my own.

And, If I AM correct....then you are all wondering what my life is up to? Hmmm???? Just HOW do I fill my days, what is on my horizon, what am I doing with my life?

+April 6th, 2012- I will graduate with my BA in English.
+I babysit our neighbors daughter 4 days a week, anywhere from 2 hours- 4.
+I try to be a GOOD dog wonder and take my dog on a daily walk.
+ I pump some steel. (So much cooler than working out....)
+I am currently enrolled in 12 credits of filler classes. (No- really, just 7. 5 credits are needed to graduate. But 7 are filler.)
+Every single day our plans about the future change. It is exhausting. Right now? Husband passes O-Chem in April. Works 40-50 hrs being a potato farmer in the summer, taking his last gen. ed class, then Grad school in the fall.
Best part is, we won't know till......April 6th.
+I am learning to sew.
+I like to cook and bake...but really, I am not good with anything cheese. And my husband understands how to use a spice far better than I do.
+ I am learning to like naps, and spend all my time with my baby girl, and I love it.

 psst. It's Alamo days today. Well, Feb 23- March 6th. What are you doing? Me, I made sugar cookies with that SWEET cookie cutter my husband bought for me when he went to San Antonia last fall.

psst. As well, today is my MOM's birthday. Ya. She is amazing. =]

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  1. Congrats on graduation being only a month away! How exciting! What do you plan to do next? My minor in college was in English. I miss it so much that when I go back to get my master's, that will likely be the path I choose!

  2. That is so cool! I have always planned on just taking some time off, then going back to school and getting my teaching credentials. One day, I want to get my masters. But I have no idea when. What was your major?
