Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It Was For The Best

Tonight was grad night
(I graduate in less than 3 weeks!!)
Grad night in high school was Disney Land- so I had HIGH expectations.

It was good.
It wasn't Disney Land. It was an inspirational talk that I am sure was needed by many students that night who are facing foggy futures.
Like us.

Let me get real and personal.
Joe and I have no clue what we will be doing with our lives once I graduate.
(3 weeks, remember?)
We will be leaving Rexburg, and headed home to live with our parents until 1. We get our car paid off or 2. We get a job.
The problem is, Joe doesn't graduate technically till July. We are on the process of applying for jobs and grad schools, and nothing feels good. Everything is spending more time and money, with the hope of a good end result.
It's scary.
It's real.
It's life.

What I learned tonight, is that it is for the best.
The speaker shared a similar experience of applying to a school, and getting that small envelope, and his world ended.
His father wrote in his journal that night that it was for the best.
And it was.

I wish I knew what was going on.
I wish I could see into the future, say yes to one of the many ideas Joe comes up with all times of the day, or finally get a call back from somewhere.

But I can't. One say I will- an one day. I will understand that all these tears, stress, fears, and worries would end.
Right now- the tunnel is black.
When it will be light again I do not know.
But what I do know is that it will all be for the best.

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