Thursday, March 22, 2012

A little brighter

Today I was warm (60 ish) and sunny and bright.
Future prospects are the same.
But my week wasted better by a few things:

1. After putting Sariah back to sleep at 4:30 am, I walked into our bedroom and found Penny awkwardly trying to make a bed in our closet. Upon seeing me she quickly jumped out. She then preceded to stare at me, hoping I had not seen her awkwardness. I swear she knows how awkward she is.
2. Cupcakes at our church's relief society birthday party. Sugar in general, but funfetti cupcakes have a way of finding that spot (or making one if it does not exist) and filling it.
3. Getting my homework done before noon.
4. Going on a walk with the whole family- even the awkward dog.

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