Friday, December 5, 2014

Welcome to The Bee House

There was a time, when sleep was the beset part of my day.
It was about 2 days after I got home from the hospital with Seamus, till he was about 6 weeks old. His nap time was the best, because then I could not feel guilty and spend time with Sariah. Her nap time was non-existent because our activity level had dropped but her energy level kept rising.
And come about  7 pm, I was just counting the minutes till I could officially call it bed time and drift off to sleep, waking up to feed a baby throughout the night, till the morning, when it would all start again. Each morning was hard, and I hated myself for wanting to just sleep and make my problems go away.

It's now a year (or so) later, and I still love sleep. It gives me time to create. To craft. To write. To think about the way and realize how lucky I am and what I want to do better tomorrow. It is no longer a time to retreat into my shell, but to grow. Because this life is wonderful.

And it is oh, so good.


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