Sunday, November 2, 2014

On NOT Going Insane

We have moved a lot. But that is pretty standard for young married/college students. 

In Lincoln someone pointed out a fact about moving to me: YOU WILL BE DEPRESSED. 

At the time I had never thought about it, but I instantly agreed. I never would have admitted it, but at some point- the isolation of your move hits you and you miss-- the past. Something, someone, someplace.

And sometimes it is hard to get over. It comes in waves. Sometimes you have to struggle and fight, work it like play dough till it finally feels right. But it will. Feel right,  that is. And this friend also said, you sort of have to "befriend" everyone till you get a comfort zone- then can start truly growing your friend circle.

Lincoln totally felt like that. It was just hard. I loved Lincoln, and hated it. It's a weird relationship to explain.

As the months went by and a I was molding myself to fit in, I read an article about 10 ways to not go insane as a stay at home mom. I don't remember all of them, and I certainly didn't keep them all. But it helped a lot. It helped me keep my sanity. And these things helped me each time we moved become more stable and happier (this last move was the best).

So here are the things that stuck out to me/helped me the best:

1. Go outside for at least 1 hr every day. Even in winter, in the snow and cold. Just get outside.

2. Call someone every day. Talk to someone outside your household world. Someone who cares, an adult. I gotta admit I stretched this one a lot- for a while calling the Dr counted. And ever now there will be days where I only do "errand " phone calls, but it's enough.

3. Plan. I am horrible at doing this- and even when I do do it I rarely stick to it. But it helps me calm down at least and feel like there is a purpose to the day.

4. Do something every day. Either plan a craft, bake, or have an outing- but do something out of the ordinary.

 And that's my advice :)

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1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh yes! I read a great comment on reddit once about moving and how it will be really exciting at first, then lovely, extremely depressing, then you'll make some friends and learn to like it, possibly love it, then it feels like home...and the cycle possibly has to start all over again as you progress. Moving is hard, but extremely rewarding at the same time. In glad you've find some ways to be happy!
