The day I should be blogging a mushy gushy embarrassing post about my little girl and her big 3 birthday. And how I put her in time out the first thing in the morning for opening up all her gifts....ok, all buy two. But anyway....that is for another day.

1. We drove 90 miles to replace my phone [we got it through Best Buy, and the closest one is 90 miles away], only to find out that I will have to go back there AGAIN this week because "they don't keep phones in stock" and won't ship it to us. Something about insurance and third parties. Insurance and third parties should all jump in the Atlantic.
Safe to say, I am not the biggest fan on Best Buy tonight.
2. There is a stretch of road that connects the isolated Torrington, WY to the capitol city Cheyenne, WY. It is quite possibly the longest, and most tedious drive you may ever (not) experience. Except for about right now. When Sunflower fields can be seen on the occasion, and it is a beautiful sight.
3. We have about a week left in our current apartment. Time frames for our move keeps changing. It was going to be this past Thursday, then this past Wednesday, then Monday, then this coming Friday, then NEXT we are at this coming Friday again. I hope it stays. Now for some serious packing.
4. I have decorated my second and third cake this week. I think I need some more practice.

5. Today I got to enjoy a "time out" at chic-fil-a all by myself. Sweet, sweet moments devouring a bag with too much sauce. Oh, it was glorious.
Eating alone is actually a privilege I never knew I'd enjoy someday!
ReplyDeleteKudos for actually decorating the cakes---cutting those butterfly wings would give me grey hairs!