Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Life Shaped By Simpsons.

This last week FX has been having a non-stop Simpsons marathon. Playing each season and each episode. That is a lot of Simpsons. My brother (who is 12 years older than myself), loves the Simpsons. So I have been introduced to this show for a long time. 

 A few things I have learned over the years? 

 1. Red cars are for girls


 2. The short line isn't necessarily the fastest line
      (Eight Misbehavin)

3. Everyone should play the saxophone. At least that is what I told myself...
4. Clowns are creepy. Not Scary.
    (Or funny)

5. Donuts make everything better.


6. There are a lot of Springfields in this country. 

Now go watch some Simpsons.

Related Posts:

  • Life Shaped By Simpsons. This last week FX has been having a non-stop Simpsons marathon. Playing each season and each episode. That is a lot of Simpsons. My brother (who is 12 years older than myself), loves the Simpsons. So I have been introduced … Read More

1 comment:

  1. Is this the secret reason why you have donut Fridays?? ;)
    I never have watched an episode of The Simpsons--my mom wouldn't let us when we were kids, and I think it's brainwashed into my conscience that if I do I'm a bad daughter. :P But the clips I see of it are funny!
