Saturday, April 5, 2014

The start of something new

I am currently sitting in probably the #1 "cool kid" spot in all of Scotsbluff. That's right, The Home Depot. Which is right next to the Walmart. So of course I am sure ALL the cool kids come here with their trucks on Friday night and just chill. Because I don't really think there is anything better to do...

In all honesty, the move was a lot worse than our new location. I never thought I would be happy to move back into an apartment again- but oh, it is actually kind if lame cleaning out a place that was brand new when you moved in. Expectations are HIGH. Plus, it's hard work cleaning a big place, all on your own, with a toddler and a baby. When we moved in we had just about nothing. A glider, a crib, a washing machine and a few boxs of clothes was about it. In 18 months we have more than tripled what we moved in with.
So our new place, being smaller AND older- while seems disappointing at first, holds a lot of appeal to me right now. Especially when we hope to not be here for too long.

Joe has been in our new residence for over a week now. He left last Thursday and made a slow trip (LOTS of wind) and made it late that night, and had members from our new church congregation help us move in Friday night.
I stayed and worked, and frantically cleaned and said goodbye Th-Sat andeft early Sat morning (ok, so like 8....).  I did have help cleaning- the missionaries at or church helped me clean for about 4 hours and friends watched the kids for another 6- SO extemely helpful. 
Friday night I had a "going away party" with some of my co-workers. It was a lot of fun and put both kids to sleep!

The drive out for us went fairly smooth- it only took about an hour longer to get here than it should have, but I count that as a success with two kids by myself!

Like I said- our new apartment is old. 5 different types of carpet, 3 types of tile, a tiny toilet, and stray cats everywhere...well in the town, not in the apartment. But I am oddly content with it. The village we live in has about 974 (978) people,has a cranky librarian, 3 places to eat (including a Subway), a gas station, a little grocery market, a post office, hardware store, a tavern and consignment store along with 2 parks and a pool. Our place is about a block from the train tracks that bring a train through about 10-12 times a day. Sariah loves it.

We really like our new ward (congregation) and feel welcomed and excited for the time we will spend here. Other than the horrible wind from Whyomming (we are about 15 miles from the border).

And that's that!

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