Sunday, March 23, 2014

Moving is not for the weak

Moving sucks.
I have come to accept that just when we become "comfortable" with where we are living, we will have to move.

For those of you reading this who are out of the loop/reading for gossips sake- Joe finishes Grad school this year. He is taking his last class online this semester, and a majority of his research as well as his advisor are 6 hours away from Lincoln on the western side of Nebraska. So to help wrap up this whole Masters degree we are moving out West. Leaving Lincoln. Moving to a village with a population of approximately 925. 

We are leaving the largest city we have ever lived in to move to the smallest town we have ever lived in. 

It's an adventure. A last minute, sad goodbyes, but looking forward and having faith kind of adventure. 

That seems about right for us. 

Things to miss:

Great friends who have welcomed us and made us feel at home.
A ward that helped my daughter love nursery.
Taking Scout to the dog park (she will move back to Ca for a few months :( ).
Raising Canes. 
4th of July- best place to have fireworks.
Getting to know Joe's side of the family.

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1 comment:

  1. So small! Good luck! I think I'd lose my marbles after a week! Lol
