Saturday, January 4, 2014

Stories of my children

You may or may not believe me...but I really do try not to be one of "those" moms on FB. Occasionally I post the "look how amazing my baby is growing" post, or the TMI post, but generally I try to keep it to just cute pictures that all can enjoy. 

So I will share my stories on here- since this is where I get the most feedback of the stories from anyway! 

Like this morning. I have made a bad habit of co-sleeping with Séamus (I know, I disapprove of it too). Early this morning while I was half asleep/feeding Séamus I faintly acknowledged the fact that my clothes were wet. But I didn't care- assuming that I was leaking, and not really piecing things together as I was half asleep.  As minutes went by Séamus was getting too fussy to feed so I got up to change his diaper, only to find out *low and behold* his diaper wasn't on fully. One side wasn't "latched" on. I look as to where I was sleeping- yep. I giant wet spot. 
Basically I had been getting peed on for the last few hours. Win. 

Or how Sariah has gotten into the horrible "my/mine" phase.
My pad. (IPad)
My baby.
My snack.

I actually feel bad- I don't have any cute Sariah stories.
Other than her deciding she could go shopping on her own at SAMS club and tell us, "I'll be right back."

Every day for the last week she asks "talk Mimi". Actually, I am not sure if it's a question or a demand. I now am leaning towards the later. 

She loves knocking over the buildings her make with her blocks.

She walks into a room and justs says "Hey" to everyone. That's pretty fly of her. 

And that's that.

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  1. You're no longer "three people".....what are you going to do about that tagline?!

  2. Go for it and be one of "those" moms. Those who want to see the photos will be overjoyed, and those that don't can keep scrolling or choose to ignore.
    But I digress, these are fun stories. And you are not alone with the "someone ELSE peed MY pants" experience.
    I want to hear Sariah being cool as a cucumber. :)
