Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Handling two...

I really would like to know better how parents handle their older child when a new baby comes into town.
It was SO nice to have family in town to help entertain and watch her.
And I hate watching her sit in front of the TV all day.
But with a newborn, you really are limited. But, each day gets easier and better. Seamus finds more of a routine in our family, and Sariah is really warming up to him as well. 
(Side note: I am pretty sure out of everyone, Scout (yes, the dog) took the transition of a new baby the worst. She is still feeling rather neglected, and doesn't mind letting you know it too).

I am trying my best to be creative at reading to Sariah while I nurse Seamus, having her help me to the dishes, laundry and cook whenever I can, and letting her get real messy in whatever will entertain her long enough so I have some time to bond with this new little guy in our family.

Today I tried out finger paint. It was on my "to-do" list for summer activities, and I just never got to it.
I have to say, I am growing very wary of all these toddler activites I find online. For all the time they take preparing them, and ESPECIALLY the clean up- they do not occupy nearly enough of Sariahs time.
This activity was the same.
Prep was really easy. And even clean up was easy- but still, I was hoping for a little more than 10 min of entertainment. Maybe if she had a friend to do it with?

Either way. It was still fun to watch her. I think she enjoyed helping me make the paint more than actually painting though.
She sure is a good helper!

Activity originally found here

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  1. I love the look on her face in the picture with the food coloring. So cute!

  2. My father in law (father to eight kids) says:
    "One kid will take all of your time. Two kids will take all of your time. Three kids will take all of your time. You don't have time anyways, so it doesn't even matter how many there are!"
    I hear it gets easier when they can play(torment?) each other.
