Friday, April 19, 2013


What's new with us?

Oh, I just got a job at the YMCA (yes, sing along time).

Now I get to feel all fit & healthy in my staff t-shirt.
Except I work in the child watch, and have nothing to do with exercise

But that's okay, because I have a job where I can take Sariah. It's pretty win.

And, last night I was reading to Sariah before bed time on our couch. I told her to get get another book. So she went into her room. Ten minutes later I walk in and find her fast asleep in her bed.
Joe described it as the best day ever.
Pretty accurate.

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1 comment:

  1. That is so wonderful you found a job that makes you (and Sariah, maybe?) happy! Hm, she'd rather sleep than read another book? Maybe she won't be an English major. ;) ;)
