Tuesday, April 16, 2013

3 Years

This has been one of the most exhausting weeks ever.
And it's only Tuesday.
I don't feel like getting into particulars, but the phrase "when it rains it pours" could be easily applied to this week.

Today marks 3 years Joe and I have been married. Sealed. Partners in crime. Eternal best friends. A family.
We didn't do anything amazing to celebrate- (in fact, all our anniversaries have been low key, I guess that is to make up for the AWESOMENESS that was out wedding??)
We were planning on doing a little camp fire/BBQ after Joe got done with school, but had to change plans due on weather and a sick toddler. The dogs always end up complicating the simplest things, and we ended up buying a small BBQ (at last!) and having Joe make me an amazing dinner.

That we quickly gulped down because the missionaries called and needed Joes help.

I guess it just wasn't meant to be our day. Or week?

Either way- I guess this is the part where I gush about Joe?
How he grows a red beard and brown hair and makes all the other men who can't grow ones jealous...
Or how we say "Live long and prosper" and "Health and long life"(credited also to my father) when we part?
Or that he knows how to kill a zombie, work on cars and computers, grows wheat, soybeans and potatoes, AND is a father?
Or that he knows that the best remedy to my long days is a good Indian impersonation and some Nutella.

Ya, he is a winner.

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1 comment:

  1. I greatly admire that you say "Live long and prosper." My obsessive Trekkie-ness approves. :P

    Even though it wasn't a perfect "day," I think you lucked out in the fact you don't have a husband who ONLY is sweet on anniversaries and Valentine's. ;) Any day can be special, right?
