Penny is 13. She is also Joe's dog. Not mine, except for the last 3 years I have probably been around her more than Joe- no fault if his own, just the way the wedding ring fits.
When we first got married, it was basically like I entered a dog pack. Joe was Aloha and Penny was, well- his girl, so to speak.
Until I came.
Once I entered, it was fighting with Penny for MY side of the bed, the passenger seat, and pretty much Joes attention.
On walks, she would not go anywhere with me unless Joe encouraged her. It was irritating.
But, she has learned. She still follows Joe around the house like a love-sick puppy, but whatever. She plays dead while he is gone too.
Now that she is old- she is also senile. She tries to find new owners at the dog park. CONSTANTLY.
It's bad enough that she has actually jumped into other strangers cars- but more than once I have been asked if I knew who Penny's owner was at the dog park because she will follow ANYONE around, and ignores me.
Worst of all? Standing at the gate trying to leave, yelling at a nearly-deaf Penny standing ten yards away from me, in a group of "new owners", just starring At me like I am crazy.
And all the people just look at me with either pity or disgust. Normally disgust because they must think I beat her for her to be willingly ready to find new owners.
It's awkward.
How to look like you know nothing
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Aww, poor Penny! She is such a goof. It's hard watching anyone or anything get old <3