Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Shake and French Fries?

When I was about 15 years old, our group of Young Women's at church went on a trip (I believe it was the week we went to Girls Camp). As we were driving home, we decided to stop at In-N-Out for some food. At this time I was not a big fan of In-N-Out, so I oped to just get some french fries and a milkshake. There were not too many of us girls, but enough because this trip we had brought along a few girls who were not of our faith. So, altogether we probably had about 15 girls and 6 or so leaders. We were all hudled into a corner eating our food, happy to be headed home to warm bed and real showers.
One of the girls that came with us I happened to know from school, but not very well. I shall call her Betty for the stories sake. I knew that she didn't grow up in the best environment- so I was glad that she (not being part of our church) came along with us on our camping trip.


Being the typical teenager, I was happily dipping my french fries into my shake and eating them (This is good to other people too, right? Because I am fairly sure I am not alone in this). Betty was sitting across from me, and out of no where asked (rather loudly too): "ARE YOU PREGNANT?".

Now, me, being the good-Mormon girl that I am, wanted to laugh. Why in the world would she think I am pregnant? But, I was also rather embarrased. I mean, I had leaders sitting around me- and I had JUST gotten back from a CHURCH camping trip. At the age of 15.
I replied that I wasn't, and she said, "Oh- because whenever my mom is pregnant, she craves french fries and shakes". 

I believe everyone then chuckled and sighed- like they would have believed I was actually pregnant?!?!- and continued to talk about strange food cravings.

Anyways, today, I had french fries and a milk shake. It made me smile and think back to that experience, where as a young, modest 15-year old, I was accused of being pregnant. A girl who hadn't even kissed a boy yet. In front of a group of church leaders. What an awkward encounter.

Except this time, I gladly can say, 
"Yes- I am pregnant. And I eat french fries and shakes".

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  1. COOL BEANS! That's a fine baby you are growing there. :) Congratulations to you three (four!)! How far along are you? I can't remember from when you were pregnant with Sariah, but do you get sick/achey or anything early on??
    Well, I hope all goes well with this, and that it's a comfortable pregnancy for you & baby. :)

    And I love shakes and french fries too--pregnant or not. ;)

  2. Congrats!! Have never met you but read your blog! Enjoy your fries and shake!!

  3. Mary! That's such fun news! I was wondering when you were going to have your next baby :) How far along are you?
