Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Getting my Craft on

So, for those of you who didn't know, we didn't know Sariah was gonna be a girl until she was born.
Yep, and that was INTENTIONAL. We play it old school, yo. And we loved it.

Anyways, because of this, and because we have always been moving and college students renting places, I never have actually made Sariahs nursery/room "cute" or "girly". Thanks to Pinterest I have LOTS of ideas, but limitations occur such as not owning your own place, money, moving, yadda-yadda.

Finally, I committed to doing something.
Fabric hoops. My inspiration was from here.
I have been collecting hoops since Idaho- for over a year. But, these embroidery hoops are kind of expensive, so I would only check thrift stores.
I found 3/$4 here in Lincoln, and this week I finally went to the store and got some fabric. I was getting sick of Sariahs "blah" room, and wanted something more girly and fun in there.

It isn't quite how I had planned on it turning out, but I am quite happy with it! And I am much more excited to do more real crafting now.
Picking out the fabric was hard. In my head I was gonna go more with older prints in rose and teal colors, but when I saw these 3- it seemed too perfect.
I really didn't follow any directions- and it is pretty easy to see what to do. And, the supplies are super simple!

First off, you just separate the rings and laid the fabric on it

Attach the top ring, and tighten- but make sure to remove any fabric bunches along the way. 

Then trim the excess fabric around the ring.

And you are done!

Sariah's room before (The flower is a lamp from Ikea)


I know it really doesn't look like much in the picture, but it really does make her room seem much more bedroom like and happy. I hope to find smaller hoops and add to it. But It is so easy, I can do it anytime.

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  1. Ah! Love it! You have totally stolen my idea! Well, not EXACTLY, but (not only do we want to wait to find out gender when we have a baby but) I want to do plushy fabric circles! Just some plywood, batting, fabric, and staples. Same basic idea :) AND I didn't even see my idea on pinterest. TOTALLY ORIGINAL. I'm so proud. :)

  2. Cuuuuute! It's the simple things :)

  3. This is really a simple and effective ideas. I saw someone do this same project with crochet.
    I am following you now and would love for you to follow along.
