Sunday, January 27, 2013


Because, I haven't written lately and should say SOMETHING.

1. This song makes Sariah dance. It is ADORABLE.
(Also, sadly, she doesn't care for ABBA. The Beetles & Johnny Cash are a go though, along with others).

2. I am in California.
It is glorious. I came home and "surprised" my mom (who basically already knew I was coming, but not totally. It was more of a surprise to her to find out I would be here for a month.) It is so green. And warm. And not very toddler- proof, which is providing for me walking around a lot of following Sariah like a hawk. 

SO gosh darn beautiful. Oh, and flying in? And seeing that AMAZING Ocean and costal line, with green hills? I swear- we haven't seen this green color since July.

3. I get to take Sariah to my favorite park tomorrow. I swear, this park to me was like a castle when I was little. I am excited. I just hope she feels well enough tomorrow to TRULY enjoy it.

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  • LIFEBecause, I haven't written lately and should say SOMETHING. 1. This song makes Sariah dance. It is ADORABLE. (Also, sadly, she doesn't care for ABBA. The Beetles & Johnny Cash are a go though, along with others… Read More


  1. I am so jealous, I would love to be in California right now! Have a great time! Stopping by from Aloha Friday and I am now your newest follower! I love your blog and can't wait to read your next posts!

    The Serena Saga

  2. How fun! That's cool you got to jump back home for a while, especially during the winter season. :)
    If the house isn't toddler proof will be once Sariah is done with it, eh? ;)
