Saturday, December 29, 2012

Things you wish you knew...

Since the world as we know it will be ending in about, 50 hours or so... (And yes, I know that The Mayan Apocolypse is over. I also know that when I say 'world' I really mean the US of A), and because ALL you ever see on the news is BAD news, I thought I would share some things you WISH YOU HAD KNOWN. You know, before the world dies and we have to start fighting over milk, taxes, and whatever else you can think of. 

1. 365 Superheroes

This man set a goal to draw 365 superheroes in one year. A new superhero every day.
Well, it's year 3 and he isn't quite done yet, but still. It's almost New Years. Isn't it important that no matter what happens, we decide to finish our goals? Because it isn't about setting them- but about finishing them.
And what about someone as amazing and creative to create this many superheroes? Even Disney can't claim that!

Did you hear about the man who jumped from SPACE?
Yes. Space. And not like out of a space ship onto the moon kinda jump.
We are talking he went up in a pressurized capsule, reached the stratosphere (about 24 miles away) and then got out in a space suite, and JUMPED out. Plummeted to earth. And landed in New Mexico.

Can you just imagine how hard it would be to be up there and be like, "Great. What did I do now? Well, It's either I jump, or I fall with this heap of metal." And then to will yourself outta that thing? 
Yes, he had a parachute. 
And yes, it is awesome. 
But of course, not one of Barbara Walters top ten, nor googles. Sad. 

Haven't heard of him either? Color me purple.
Ronald Brown died in mid-October at the good age of 94. He was a Britain who had served in WWII, who had stepped on a land mine in 1944 while serving in France.
After he was cremated, they found 6 oz. of shrapnel in his leg. 
6 oz!!
I don't know about you all, but I walk like I am severely crippled if I have a sliver of glass in my foot.
6 oz is a LOT. 
He would tell his kids and grandkids that he had been hit by a bullet- but NEVER alluded to how much. He would tell them they could not sit on his bad leg, but NEVER alluded to how much pain he was in. No one in the family ever knew. And this man lived a LONG life, and he WORKED. And lived with that shrapnel in his leg for 72 years! 
That is a man for you. 

Just some things I thought you all should know.


  1. These are all 3 stories I hadn't heard of. Must be cause celebrities make the headlines first, or non sense like the divers failed cannonball. I want to hear interesting stories worth reading!

    If I had 6 oz of shrapnel left in me for that long... the world would know! :)

    I'd like to invite you to join our weekly Sunday and Monday Meet & Greet Blog Hop - Come link up and join the fun if you have time this weekend :)

  2. Number 2, I was all over, but the other 2? NO IDEA! 6OZ!??!?!?! HOLY BALLS OF FIRE!!!!
