Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"Silent Tuesday"

Last Friday, a man shot his mom at her home. Their home. With her own guns. Then took those guns and went to the elementary school where she worked, and he shot 26 people.
It sucked. And spread faster than wildfire over the internet.
Joe and I were at his wheat field, being your loving Grad-Ag-student family, when he told me about what had happened. It made me cry.

Then I heard about how this last week has basically sucked for SO MANY families. Because Sandy Hook is NOT the only shooting. There have been LOTS.

Then I heard about this "Silent Tuesday" thing that was going around blogger yesterday.
Coincidentally, I did not blog yesterday- but just by chance. Not by purpose. Because, I didn't like it.
I know that sounds HORRIBLE, and tackless, and I know people will not understand me- and that is ok. I hope you might understand what I am trying to say.

What that man did was HORRIBLE. And sad. And everyone held their loved ones closer.

But what about Anders Behring Breivik? Did you all hear about him and what HE did? I remember living with  my mother-in-law, and my husband telling her about it weeks after it happened- and she had no idea. Do people even remember this? Or care? this was a HATE crime, a pure, straight out hate crime. The man wanted to "purify Norway" of Muslims. Muslim children. He played "hunter" with them. But I don't remember a "Silent blogger day" for those kids.
Heck, maybe there was. Maybe I am being ignorant. But I couldn't find anything about it on google.

Or what about what happen in Oregon on Dec 13th? Why was there no Silent Blogger day for this? In fact that ONLY news I heard about this one was from friends who were FROM Oregon. Does a low death toll make the incident less meaningful? Do their families not need our prayers just as much? Or is because they are presumably adults?

Or what about the 4 people that were found dead YESTERDAY in Colorado? When will the news spread about them, and where are the tweets and Facebook status's to show how sad we are for them?

Have we all forgotten about the Amish childrenAurora, Co; or Columbine? (Sorry for the debatable- validity of some of these sources). I know people haven't fully, but it sure feels like it.

When did one persons life become more important than another? 
No- none of those 26 people should have died. It isn't fair. And I feel horrible for those families that have to deal with it right now. I know I couldn't. 
But I feel like ALL these events deserve respect- even those 4 people who were found dead. 
Why are we singling out events? I know that Morgan Freeman quote is a hoax (google it), but can't we all agree to a degree that sensationalizing this sort of thing is NOT right?

-I believe that people should be told in PERSON that loved ones have died, not via twitter (Principal). 
-I believe that those families deserve time to mourn and deal with this all in there own ways, and not be 
bombarded by media and Facebook. 
-I don't believe in telling parts of the news to sway
people's opinions. 26 people were killed. It should not matter if they were children, elderly, Muslim, Gay, women, or whatever. They were killed.

No matter what story you hear, feel bad that people had to die- and pray for them, and help in any way. I am not opposed to the idea of the silent blog thing, but just hurt that people can be so narrow-sighted to not helping all the victims out there. 
No one should have to be murdered that way. (I won't get into issues of war/death penalty/whatever)

I support LOSS, and HELPING PEOPLE that need it. That is what I am for.
But I don't want to be SILENT about it. I want to be LOUD.
So, that is what I am doing.
Being LOUD.

And another thing, instead of sharing with Facebook that you will, "Hold your kids a little tighter" go take that 30+ seconds you just wasted, and actually do it. 

Related Posts:

  • "Silent Tuesday"Last Friday, a man shot his mom at her home. Their home. With her own guns. Then took those guns and went to the elementary school where she worked, and he shot 26 people. It sucked. And spread faster than wildfire over the … Read More


  1. Yeah, what REALLY made me mad about the whole thing (beside the obvious fact that the thing happened) was that my sister in law and a bunch of high schoolers took advantage of this tragedy to have a "Senior Skip Day" a week after because "there might be another one." only the Seniors should live???

    Anyways, I agree with you on these points. Since you've posted this, there's been at least two more shootings (the two killed at the grocery store and the whole "planned fire" one). Sigh.

    1. Ya, Joe and I keep talking about everything that happens, and it is so sad. I feel so bad for these people- and so close to Christmas. How sad for their families. And then it makes me mad that no one is talking about it, just because it was a person or two.
      Also, I really liked your remark about only the seniors living- it's funny and clearly those seniors arn't thinking things through.
