Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Ghost Writer

Have you ever heard of ghost writers? It is a pretty good deal, you know – someone writes under a different name and is functionally anonymous. Well tonight, I have a ghost writer but I don’t want to brag so I will just let him get to writing.


I don’t know what to write about, mainly because my groove has been destroyed by a serious of somewhat saddening events. Joseph brought his computer home from his office a couple of days ago in celebration of finishing all of his classes. I had promised him a day of glorious video game playing after sleeping in for the first time in a semester. He got to sleep in, but when he went to play video games he found that Sariah had washed the mouse in the dog water. So it should be obvious that joseph didn’t get to play any of his beloved video games. It was kind of funny in a sad and cruel kind of way. But that also meant that Joseph commandeered the laptop for a couple of days. I am now stuck with a tiny little keyboard that will be destined to live it’s life on the couch in our living room; using a computer that I am not used to (it is a windows computer).

But wait, it gets better. Wait for this ultra-first world problem. Tonight I went to a church activity to make blankets for the needy. I thought it would be grand but then it turned out that one of my most hated tasks was slated for the evening. Tying blankets, I hate tying blankets, that is what we did though and I was happy to participate. Not really but that is what my husband would have me tell the public.

And for my final topic of the night: I love my husband. I am watching Big Love today, got it from the public library. And my husband is amazing because he isn’t a weird polygamist and he cherishes me, just me. Because that is just how we roll… monogamy and all.

Ok world, take it easy.


Mary out.
Grumpy Cat Joins the Dark Side

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  1. That grumpy cat is probably the only cat I'd ever put up with. It makes me laugh. Probably a good commiseration buddy. I'm sorry to hear of your first world woes, I know I complain about those sort of things ALL the time. (My cell phone screen is too bright when I play on it at night, or, This pistachio is too hard to open!)
    I'd prefer tying blankets than sewing them. 0_0 Straight lines...
