Thursday, December 6, 2012

A word on Toddlers

Toddlers are mysterious creatures.
They come out of nowhere.
They are always surprising you, like a Jack-in-the-box.

Somedays it's so hard to live with them.
They teeth and are unconsolable. You have to teach them everything. They get into every little thing like dog food, kitchen cabinets, toilets and dog poop. Everyday items become a constant life threat, like plastic bags and stairs.
They constantly need direction, supervision, nutrition, guidance, love, attention- and are very loud about it when they are lacking in any area.
They grow episodically. They move constantly. And sleep sporadically.
They require so much time and attention that you often get tired before they ever do.

But then there are those days.
No, more like moments.
That make all those tantrums, dirty diapers, crying doctor visits, endless park runs, and continuous messy floors worth it.

It's amazing that after all these things you do for your toddler; that you put up with, struggle, cry, and work through to just get through the day- that something so simple and reverent as singing your baby to sleep, actually works.

That this, dare I say it, moster-like being, is stilled by your voice. Your touch. Your love. And falls asleep.

It's enough to make a parent weep. Enough to make that parents never want to put their child down. Enough to kiss that child over and over to the point of nearly waking them up.

Toddlers are mysterious creatures.
They can make the mighty fall.
The young stop.
The old smile.
The young wish.

Sorry for the quality. All these were taken with my phone.
But look at my little Sherlock! =]

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