Thursday, October 11, 2012

Living is fun.

Joe had to go be all "AG guy" and fertilize one of his research fields.
So, I made dinner for him before his left- ya, I am THAT good. 
I even had in ready before he expected- because, again, I am-that-good. 

But, I was trying to put Sariah down for a nap when Joe started to eat, so I was unaware of exactly what he was doing.
When I did come out to join him, I immediately asked how dinner was (I was, after all, pretty proud of it. Joe specifically asked for biscuits- and I made these 7-up Biscuits. They are a win).

Joe: It's great. I really like the biscuits (as I knew he would). What is on the apples?
Mary: *Shocked* Apples? (You see, I had also tried to make the house smell all season-y by boiling apples and cinnamon. On the stove. Next to everything else. TOTALLY not a good idea. Didn't work anyways- Steak/potatoes/biscuits is a bit of an overwhelming smell).
Then I started to laugh. And I told him how I was using them for scents, not to eat.
Joe: Oh, good. I was thinking, 'wow- she really is getting into this Pinterest stuff. Left the stem on and everything!"

True- it WAS a pinterest recipe. Just not for your stomach. 

Also, Sariah got her hand stuck in a box today.
Same box.
Within a minute span.
Now, in her defense- it was one of those filling boxes, with the hand carriers, and there was really cool stuff in the box- like envelopes that are important to mommy. So, why not risk getting your hand stuck to terrorize the box's contents?

Also, Also, A while ago (like 1 1/2 years), when I was a T.A., I was grading papers one night. Not my favorite task, but something that must be done! I was reading out loud when I suddenly stopped and and re-read a sentence a few times, causing Joe to ask me what I was doing.
"The sentence- it say's, "In the movie, all the pheasants of the village would beg for money...", It doesn't make sense."
Then it hit me- PEASANTS! The kid meant peasants! And all throughout the essay, the kid said PHEASANTS. (Multiple times too- must have been auto correct all or something...). But, with the help of Joe's suggestion, I kindly informed the kid of his mistake each time by stating in the margins, "That's a bird", "Still a bird", "Bird", "Still has wings", "Not a person". And so forth. You get the picture, right? 
I couldn't stop laughing. Or trying to be sarcastic.
I feel bad, of course. 
But what could I have done? 
IGNORED it, been kind, and corrected him once?
No, that is for a teacher. Not a T.A. 


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