Friday, October 12, 2012

I want to be like J.K. Rowling

Who doesn't want to be famous?
Or be richer than the Queen of England?
Or go from nothing (well, where we currently are) to SOMETHING, because we can do what we love?

Joe and I have this 'discussion' occasionally about originality. 
Mainly, his argument is that he can't understand J.K. Rowling because she didn't 'create' anything. She didn't define anything. 
She created Hogwarts, he will give her that. Everything related to the school is original (quidditch, for example). But he gets frustrated by her incorporation of elves, wizards, giants, etc. Even the magical world- is just based off of the muggle's world (Ministry of magic, AKA English government).

Then he brings up J.R Tolkien. 
He defined his books.
He defined Hobbits, the elvish language, everything.
He can understand and will stand by this guy.

But really, truly, NOTHING is original.
And that is quit easy to see just watching movies that come out.
I mean, I LOVE Clueless, 10 things I hate about you, and all the movies in between, but really. Originality was hard to come by after like....Shakespeare.

So, in my aspirations to become a writer, an author, someone FAMOUS with accomplishments, someone's whose goals and DREAMS have become reality

How do I be original?
I recently heard about this book called Matched
It made me sad.
I LOVE apocalyptic books (The Giver, 1984, The Hunger Games, etc).
And I am trying to get one working.
How do I compete?

It's kinda lame when the world is SO big that you have to fight to be noticed,
but SO SMALL that you can still run into your worst nightmare when you are having a bad hair day. 

Also, I found this funny. But I may or may not have had to re-read it to finally get it. Matched By Condie, Allyson Braithwaite (Google Affiliate Ad)

1 comment:

  1. I can give you a ton of apocalyptic books, so yeah, nothing seems original. However, people don't really want a completely original idea, just a bit of a different perspective or take. So don't stress about being original, it's more just making it enjoyable. I've seen some "original" ideas that don't hold up because everything else is so BLEH. Hence the common phrase, "Well, it was REALLY interesting but..."
