Friday, September 7, 2012

Who I met

A few days ago I met a lady with 6 Dalmatians.
I love dogs, but 6 Dalmatians- that is a little too much.
For anybody.
Even Disney.
(Despite what they may say).

Yesterday at Walmart waiting in line, an older man with a long beard, mustache, unkempt hair and a rather noticeable wart at the very end of his nose came up to Sariah and started talking to her.
Every time he leaned in to touch her, she noticeably leaned away.
At last when he came within a centimeter of touching her nose, she started to cry.
He quickly left, and I consoled her and she eagerly watching him hastily depart.
Funniest thing ever.

Today I was at the park with a friend and our children, and a nearby day care came out for a break. After about 20 minutes of the kids screaming around and playing, a little girl ran up to me asking me something and calling me Emily- after a minute or two of awkwardly starring at each other, she realized I was not Emily. But she still continued to hang out with us for another 20 minutes or so until they went inside. Apparently she was convinced that I knew who Emily was and assumed I worked at the daycare.

At our church, there is a little girl named Sarah. She is a day older than Sariah. They both have curly blonde hair, pretty much same height and weight, blue eyes- and look a lot alike too. That won't confuse anyone, right?

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