1. Family
2. Beach/Ocean (Specifically Avilla, Port SLO, dog beaches, Jalama)
3. Farmers markets everywhere, fruit stands (with good fruit- and not just veggies).
4. Open space (yes- I am in Nebraska and saying I miss the open-ness of California).
5. Perfect weather (no humidity-which of course only comes at night as we walk gone up-hill from the dog park).
6. Not so many bugs.
7. Cities that are not afraid of highways/freeways cutting through their town.
8. People who work a little faster...
9. Familiar stores (No albertsons, Von's, Carls Jr out here!)
And my #1 thing (or #10 I guess) is:
I miss being able to figure out where I am and which way is North. (I look around- but Nebraska has NO landmark distinguishes! It sucks when people tell you, "I live two blocks North of Holdredge" when you have no mountains pointing you North or ocean showing you west. And that sun doesn't always help so much!)
Things I miss about California
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