I don't think I have ever realized how many lessons I receive. I mean I always knew, but this last week the blessings have just knocked I
me in the face, making me realize how blessed I am.
Specifically 3 things pop to mind:
1. Joe's glasses broke, but since he is such a great handy man, he was able to fix them easy peasy. But still- he hasn't had knew prescriptions in about 4 years- so we HAD to get him new glasses. But the school insurance only pays 15%, and we were not looking forward to paying out of pocket for it all. Tonight when we got back from the optometrist, Joe got his last paycheck from CA (that we were not expecting) that is for pretty much the same amount his glasses will be.
2. Sunday after church we were moaning about how we didn't have friends yet in Lincoln. We talk to people, but none one we can count to hang out with. It is hard- in Rexburg we basically could pick who we wanted to be our friends there were so many young LDS people, here not so much. So, ya- we were discouraged. Then a few hours later, a couple from the ward called us up and asked if we wanted to go shooting the next day!
Although we had already made plans to go visit family in Iowa and couldn't go.... Gotta figure that out.
3. About a week ago, I was out front hanging clothes. I had tied Scout out back and left the back door open for we to come in. Sariah was playing with some toys in the front room, where I could hear her. After about 2 minutes of being outside- I realized I could not hear her anymore, then realized I had left the back door open (which opens onto a deck about 4 feet above the ground or a crawling baby). I ran inside and saw no baby- so I ran to the back door, and caught Sariah right on the threshold, turning to go onto the porch.
So grateful that I was prompted to check on her.
Blessings are amazing and I am one lucky lady :)
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