Monday, September 24, 2012

Movie Monday!

So, like I have mentioned before- Joe and I teach the 3-4 year olds at church.
This last week the lesson was on "Being kind to animals".
Joe was out of town, so I had the little munchkins all to myself.
And it actually went pretty well!
Or so I thought.
Until Joe got home that night and I told him what happened and realized how I basically CRUSHED six kids dreams.

Here is what happened:
In the lesson, I was supposed to tell the kids about Noah's Ark.
Well, I am Irish. And we listen to Irish music a lot. Like the Rovers. So I grew up listening to the song below. And to this day, I cannot think of Noah's Ark without thinking of this song.
So, while telling the kids about Noah's ark- I thought it would be nice to tell them what happened to Unicorns.
In my mind, they would know that Unicorns are fake- but like to believe they are real. It never occurred to me that they might actually BELIEVE they exist.

So, I told them how the Unicorns all got washed away, and that there are NO MORE unicorns today. Then I watched as they all gasped in shocked, trying to comprehend as their dreams are washed away. I smiled in triumph- thinking I had fooled them.

Oh, the fool I am.
I told Joe what happened.
And soon saw the error of my ways.
Poor little kids.
Poor little girl who put her hands to her face and kept asking, "Wait- what happened?"

So, enjoy.


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