Monday, September 17, 2012

Movie Monday

Happy Monday everyone!
Is it just me- or is this Monday particularly Monday-esq?
Here in Lincoln, it felt like fall (Not ready for summer to leave =[), I had too much to do (Get drivers license, register car in NE, call maintenance man, grocery shop, call about 50 people...), and, dinner won't be ready till 8!
Ya, talk about a day.

So, here is a story about this weeks movie:
It is from PORTLANDIA. (Ever heard of it? Go watch it NOW!)

So, basically, once upon a time Joe and I saw on SNL a clip for it. And fell in love. We have a odd bond with Portland, and so we instantly were hooked on this show. And started to tell everyone we ever knew (kinda).
But no one knew what we were talking about, or cared. Then, all the sudden, recently, everyone LOVES it.
All because of us (They just don't know it).

Joe and I often reference this skit. It's one of our favorites.

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  1. ahhh hahah Portlandia is so funny! I love when other people know what it is! Keep it weird!!!

  2. Auuugh car registration stinks!! good for you getting it done.. i always put it off cause i hate the dmv. ha i remember you guys showing us that!! Its almost painful to watch:-)
