So Along with the daily grind of trying o make friends, getting fit, exercising the dogs, being a mom and wife, and normal chores like still changing my drivers license, I have set a goal to be more creative.
More specifically, to create something every week.
I am rather proud I myself already!
Last week I made french bread (Sorry, no picture)
I got the recipe here. It was AMAZING! (My Hint: it TOTALY tasted better the next day. Just saying!) And it only took an hour. =] So proud of myself.
Oh, and then, I also *finished* making this wreath!
So, short/long story about this wreath. I started it two years ago. For real. I had planned on it being a Christmas wreath for Dec 2010. That came and passed, no wreath. So I decided 4th of July 2011. Still no wreath. Then Christmas 2011. Nope. 4th of 2012. Still no. But alas! It is done! Although, it isn't a Christmas wreath anymore. I decided to change it into a fall wreath. I was hoping for a bit more fall looking- but I still like it! =] What do you think? Original idea found here.
This week, my goal is YOGURT!
Ah, I am so excited.
I have a recipe, or two, MAYBE three down. I want at least 3 to try, and then I will let you know how it was. Anyone have any good recipes for me to try?
Oh, also....we finally hung pictures up.
Look what I made!
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