Monday, July 30, 2012

How my mind works at 5 am

So, story time.

The last week and a half or so has been hard. On all of us. We havnt even been able to establish a routine even though we are "moved in". Sariah has been cranky from being in the car all the time/teething, Scout isn't getting enough play time- turning her attention to Penny which makes us ALL angry because you then have puppy noise. All. The. Time.

So, sleep comes rarely and is appreciated, but leaves quickly and is missed greatly.

So, this morning and about 5 am Sariah wakes up. I groggily go to her, hoping she falls back asleep by the time I get to her.
Doesn't happen.
So I pick her up and rock her back to sleep. But I begin to notice that she has her eyes wide open, totally calm and content.
Now I am worried.
She did fall asleep about an hour earlier then usual last night- so I am now thinking she is up. For the day, at 5 am when I really need that extra hour.

So in my delirious, half awake state, I begin to think what I can do to make her happy and quiet so I can go back to sleep.

My only solution was to make her INTO brownies.
She loves eating brownies- BEING a brownie would keep her super quiet and be lots of fun I am sure!

About 20 seconds later I realized I would then never get her back and decided to axe that plan and pray she goes back to bed.

She did.


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