I am the youngest (and favorite) out of 4 children.
My brother Patrick is the oldest, with three girls following.
My oldest sister, who I call Mimi, was never much of a morning person.
To motivate her to be better for my mom in elementary school,
my dad made her a deal:
Act good all week, get a donut of friday.
Thus, a tradition was born.
Daddy Daughter Donut Day.
Every friday.
Since I can remember.
Now, there is a reason to this story.
Occasionally, my dad would pick up donuts without us if he had to go to work too early.
So, we had donut names.
You know chocolate/maple bars?
We call them chocolate/maple long johns.
And everyone has always looked at me like a weirdo when I have said it.
But now I am a weirdo no more!
Thank you, WalMart.
A Tradition Confirmed
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