Monday, March 26, 2012

Puppy Hungry

I am puppy hungry.
I admit it.
Even once I get a puppy, I will still be- puppy hungry.
Last year, after Napoleon died, everyone URGED us to wait to get another one.
It was hard, but we did it.
And it was for the best.
It gave us time to appropriately miss Napoleon, place him as #1 dog and demote Penny to #2. 
It gave us time to get  to know and love little Sariah like CRAZY.
It gave us time to focus on school.
And most importantly, it gave us time to RESEARCH. 

I have strong opinions about dogs.

Like, for example, dog types.
1. People with dogs. The people who think a beagle is SO cute, so they buy it. Why? Because its cute. Do they do anything with it? No. Do they know anything about it? No.
They are just a person with a dog.
2. "Dog Lovers". The people who care SO much about dogs, they become WORSE then cat people.
Example: a few months ago, Joe and I were looking at a house we were thinking of moving into. They had a Giant Schnauzer and a Standard Poodle. I really want a giant schnauzer but have never met one- so I was asking the lady how she liked him. The entire time we were there, she talked about dogs. While her kids were mindlessly watching TV in there underwear, filthy and crying, she talked about dogs. 
They had gotten them to breed schnoodles, but they kept these two dogs outside- because her husband is allergic. Later that night, I realized her flaw.
If you ARE allergic to dogs- get a poodle or a schnauzer. Their fur is more like hair, so you WON'T be allergic to it.
THUS, "dog lovers". 

Joe and I are still undecided about the last group. But it would consist of people who use dogs for their purpose. 
Example: cattle dog, ACTUAL BREEDERS, rescue dogs, etc.

So, we researched which breeds we wanted. Which ones would fit our family.
And while we are still pretty open, I have it narrowed to three:
1. Wire haired Dachshund
. 2. Newfoundland
3. German Pointer (wire haired or short)

=] The end.

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