Friday, March 9, 2012

A note about Penny.

Can I blog about my dog?
Even more, if I were to have a giveaway, and Penny were the prize, would anyone WANT her?

So, this is Penny:

Ya, she is kinda awkward looking, right? 
She has long legs, weighs about 35 lbs, and is a 'daddy's girl'. 

Penny is my husbands dog, he has had her since she was about 2 months (really no idea- she was found out in the woods), and is about 12/13 years old (we can't remember).

When my husband and I first got married, I had to FIGHT to be the alpha female in this family.
She would lay on our bed, and would snarl at me when I tried to kick her off!

When we went on a walk, all 3 of us, if Joe stopped to tie his shoe, Penny would not take ONE STEP with me away from him. I would have to drag her, literally. 

We tell everyone she is feral. Honestly, I say she is an Australian Kelpie. 
She is afraid of fire. Our apartment is right next to the laundry room- and if the vent is letting out a lot of stream, she won't step out side, in fear that it is smoke. 
She won't come any closer then about 20 feet to any form of fire.
And she is afraid of water, moving objects (such as cars), and ya. She is so strange.

But honestly, I have gained her respect. She fears me. I have made a habit of sitting on her when she lays on MY side of the bed/couch (and it is ONLY ever MY side).
She knows I am in charge, and she runs- honestly runs- when I yell her name.

But the #1 thing that irritates me?
Is that after TWO years of marriage, when I am standing at the door, with her leash in hand, calling for her to take her outside- she stares at me, then see's Joe in the bedroom, and walks to him.
Really- like he is going to take you out, while he walks AWAY from the door?
Sooo irritating.
And, I can't wait to get a puppy. 

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