Thursday, March 8, 2012


I am an English major.
Honestly, it is all probably because of my dad.
He (and my mom) were always sticklers about English in school. Math and science, not so much. But English? I HAD to get a good grade.
My dad always said that English was the most important subject, then History.
So, I became an English major.

But honestly- I hate grammar.
I hate dissecting sentences. With a passion.
I don't know the difference between an adjective and an adverb.
I think their are too many rules to follow.
And I don't get my words straight.

But I love my major.
I love learning about every aspect of life- from psychology to history and everything in between.
I love reading. Writing. And the occasional editing.
I love learning about random things,and knowing how to write an effective resume, and all the other things I use an English major for.

But honestly, my husband has a much larger vocabulary than I do, and I often do not use my words in the right context. (I also HATE the world condone- because It is to close to condemn,  and the two words should not be so close yet mean such different things).
The other day, I learned about the word campy.
Because I do not understand the intense fascination people have with Chic-Fil-A.

There. I said it.
I have eaten there twice now, and while their service is GREAT, the food- not so much.
The first time we went there, we were down in Salt Lake, and I really wanted to go to one- so after driving around and finally finding one, I asked Joe:
"Do they have anything other than chicken sandwiches? Because I really don't like them."
He proceeded to stare at me with his, "Really, Mary?" face. And I smiled cutely. And I ate there still.
And I can't find out why they are great, other then the fact that it is campy.
So, if you know- please tell me. =]

Also- if anyone understands why/how people can openly tell their spouse/significant other to any degree- that they think "such and such" or "so and so" actor is HOT or BEAUTIFUL or SEXY or THEIR DREAM PERSON, I would appreciate that as well.
Because I don't think I could handle it if my husband had a "pretend girlfriend", or if he didn't think I was the most beautiful person on the planet. And I am grateful for that.

psst....."Open up your eyes, and see the things that matter MOST"
-Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf.
  Read more here.

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