Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dogs out, cats in.

Funny. Haha.

So the saying goes around my house.
But, the subject matter always is: DOGS.
What kind to get? How old? When should you get one? Small dogs or big dogs? Shedding? Pure bred or mutt? All sorts of crazy questions that make this doggie world a true dog eat dog world.
Well, I guess not really.
But still, I feel like all those pro-animal shelter/adopt-a-dog groups are really doing some good, because there seems to be a large influx in dog ownership lately.

So, when the decision is made, and the question comes down to, "What dog to get?", people need to KNOW.
Know what exactly?
Know that there are more dog breeds out there than Labs, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds  Pitbulls and Chihuahuas.
Know that dogs are NOT free. Ever. Period.
Know that adopting a dog from a shelter, just might cost the same as buying a pure bred dog (In our case).
Know that dogs have purposes.
Know that dogs have needs.
Know that DOGS ARE DOGS. Not wolves, people, babies, cats, or anything else. They are DOGS

I have a lot of opinions on this matter, so I will try to keep from ranting. I do not claim to be an expert- just a person with a bit more knowledge on this subject than your average Joe. And this is my opinion (with sites to back it if need be).

"What is the best dog breed?"
There is none. It varies per person, per situation in life. For Joe, Penny was the right dog. Then we got married. She was NOT the right dog for me. And she really isn't for him either. And although I love Scout, I won't recommend a GSP (German Shorthair Pointer) to many people. For us, Wire Haired Dachshund is probably gonna be the dog. But that might change as we get older. Who knows.

"Lab's are the best family dog."
Honestly, I have met more aggressive labs than doberman's. 
We truly thought we were going to lose Penny after a pair of neighbor lab dogs attacked her a few months ago.
Not saying labs aren't good dogs- or that Doberman don't bite.
But if you want a FAMILY dog, I feel like there are MANY more choices out there. Maybe it is just because I get sick of everyone sticking with what is popular, but I would urge people to actually research and find a better specific dog for them.
I would recommend the Newfoundland.

Thank you google

Doesn't ring a bell?
How about now?

Google wins.
Yes, it is true. Nana from Peter Pan is a Newfie.
And while she may be a bit exaggerated  I feel like if you want a kid friendly dog for your family, this is the way to go. There have been newfies to die trying to save people from drowning.
We want one. Besides the shedding and drooling and short life span (7-10 years), I would be cuddling one right now.

"Small dog's are just lap dogs."

WRONG. Oh- so wrong. 
I wish I could prove this to everyone in the world. I think it was the only annoying part of having Napoleon- that people looked at him, and thought less of him and us because he was small. It is so discriminating. Poor guy.
Yes. Many small dogs ARE lap dogs. Like Pugs, Toy Poodles, King Charles Spaniel, and every thing white and fluffy.
But terriers, Dachshunds, Corgi's, and others are NOT. Ultimately, look at a dog's purpose. Again and again and again.
Wire Haired Dachshunds are the clowns of the group, and were used for hunting badgers. They are full of energy and spunk. Napoleon never knew cared about his size. His heart was as big as a stallion. He loved kids. NEVER aggressive. And could go with us EVERYWHERE. Even on a plane (WITH me, not cargo). So take that.

"My dog is my baby"

I know it isn't just the fact that I AM a mother that I find this statement irritating. Or an reference to people calling themselves mom/dad/sister/whatever of a dog. I have been bothered by this BEFORE I was even pregnant.

A dog is a dog.
They should NOT be eating better than you.
But they SHOULD be involved in your life.
They should NOT be allowed to be aggressive and fight to 'gain territory' (remember- they aren't wolves!)
But they SHOULD be allowed to interact without complete interference with us owners.

I don't know everything. Or a lot. I just think I know more than the average dog owner. And these are my opionions. So take them as that.
But just, please....research before you get a dog.
There is NO such thing as a "red lab". If your lab IS red, It is a YELLOW lab. Check it out here.

Learn what your dog is meant for.
If you are gonna run with it, don't get a Pug. Get a Ridgeback.
Rhodesian Ridgeback. Thank you google.

If you never plan on hunting, don't get  Vizsla.
Vizsla. Thank you google.

This I do know:
1. Don't trust a person who has grown up with the the ONE SAME DOG their entire life. They don't know anything better.
2. Don't trust a person who has only had ONE BREED. They are bias.
3. Don't trust 'stereotypes'.
4. Dog's are all bred with a purpose. From the Dalmatian meant to run along carriages, to the teacup poodle meant to sit in your lap- they have a purpose. If you arn't going to use it for that purpose- DON'T GET THAT DOG.

The End.

1 comment:

  1. I always thought Nana was a Saint Bernard just cause of the coloring! My childhood eyes have been opened!! Anywho, I agree with your very poignant advice on getting dogs. And with any dog---It will take time, it WILL make a mess(not FOREVER usually), it WILL need training/attention. It is not a new IPad or toy. It is a living, NEEDING, creature!
    Can you tell I have family members who have ignored dogs? :P
