Friday, August 22, 2014

Oh hey, Friday!

In case you haven't noticed, I am getting back into this whole blogging thing.
I want to write. So I need a name. I need to get out there and contribute. And this is my first step.

So, I am joining in a link up.

Five things. Five things about anything.

1. We are moving in (hopefully) a week. Maybe I will talk more about this once it has all happened, but right now, it still seem's surreal. We are at that point where about living in our apartment for 5 months, we were in a routine. Things were put where they belonged. And now it's like a sword fight went on through our small apartment. Somehow. One day, our place was clean. Then you start THINKING about packing, and the next thing you know, the place is as good as gone.

2. I was going to make beans for dinner. I had them all sorted and rinsed, and was waiting for the water to boil when Seamus woke up from his nap. I went to check on him, and when I came back, Sariah had decided to help. By pouring the entire bowl in the sink.
I didn't really care about not having beans for dinner, but we don't have a garbage disposal. So i had to pick all those beans out so they wouldn't clog the drain. Talk about tedious.

3. My kid's birthday's are next week. My little dude turns ONE. And Sariah? In a week, she will be THREE. Luckily for us, they are too young to care about birthday parties. Because moving + birthdays don't go well together.

4. I call Seamus little dude. Or dude. Sariah is little girl. Seamus responds equally to Seamus, Shea (or Shay, or Sea, we have not decided on spelling yet), and dude.

5. Today I had a "time out". Really, Sariah was in time out, Seamus was asleep- and I ate the last piece of cheesecake. It was good. It was also from a box. No bake. Joe doesn't care for cheesecake (so he says), so I bought this one day thinking I would make it one time when he was away on a trip when I needed a quick pick-me-up. Finally made it. He decided he likes "this cheesecake".  Let me tell you, this has happened too many times before. He doesn't like pistachios till I get a big bag for free. Then they are his best friend.
My only regret was that there was not another last piece for after lunch.

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1 comment:

  1. Ha! That happens with Garth all the time. Easy accessible food always becomes popular, regardless of previous opinions!
