Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Living 'rural'


I never imagined that I would live anywhere other than California. More specifically, the Central Coast. That little piece of Heaven that isn't quite Southern, but not Northern California. Those who have heard of the place revel in its magnificence. I cherish it as the place I only ever knew as home for the first 21 years of my life.
Once we got married, Joe promised to take my back home (to live).  It is where our families are still at, and so we have known it is always the place we want to go back to. 

I have no idea where my kids will end up calling home, but out of all the moving we have done- California, Idaho, Nebraska, South Dakota (soon), I have realized something. While I haven't been a 'world traveler' I am so GLAD I have gotten to know my own backyard. 

We hated Nebraska when we moved here. Heck, looking back, I still don't think I would necessarily want to move back to Lincoln. It was the biggest city we had ever lived in, and while that had some huge benefits (Trader Joes, 4 Targets, 2 actually malls, Childrens Museum and zoo, etc), I have come to love our small town we now live in.
Now, I wouldn't even call us rural. We live less than 20 minutes from a movie theatre, Walmart, target, and there are TWO gas stations in our town. 
In fact, I would almost call the town that we are moving to in SD more rural (current town = 978, new town =13,000), because it will be the biggest town for 4 hours. That is pretty 'rural'. 

Its exciting. 
Its conservative. 
Its old and that makes it new.
Its friendly. 

1 comment:

  1. If it has a Target, I'm sold. My home town is 30 minutes from an actual store, and even then---no Target. Friendliness can make up for that!
