Wednesday, October 2, 2013

October, feelin' fine.

Today I went back to work.
I worked a total of 3 hours. 
Next week I will work another 3.
Then the week after that starts to get heavy....SIX hours a week.
Eventually I may increase it. Or I may decrease and quit. Only time will tell. And eventually how I, and the kids feel.

Anyways, it wasn't too bad. Joe watched Seamus for the first two hours, then brought him to me before his class started. Seamus slept the whole time in his car seat undisturbed- until a co-worker wanted a glimpse of him and Sariah got to show him off.

And, like most things in my life lately- the hardest part about the whole thing was Sariah.
She moved chairs to the sink to try and do dishes like at home. Moved chairs to the tv to try and pick a movie to watch. Tried to take over and control the whole place basically. 

In other news, Scout is a life saver. At least once a day does she occupies (she is German after all) Sariah for me while I nurse little guy. It is really relaxing to hear giggles come from Sariah and Scout doe her bidding. 

Seamus is growing (as the doc says) like a gang buster. Last Friday he was well over 11 pounds. 11.5 to be exact. His jaundice is gone and he is looking mighty good. When he was first born I thought he looked like Sariah. But now he doesn't resemble her at all- and is starting to look more like Joe. 

And sadly, not so sadly- oddly, whatever you will- I am starting to feel a bit more like a local here in Lincoln. Our home is starting to feel more like a home (furniture does wonders!), and we are getting to like this place more every day. 
Although, we still most the West. Home. Especially when we hear that these Nebraskans can't navigate a round-a-bout, and they have to change it from 3 lanes to 2 lanes, and take away signs as not to confuse people going around the round-a-bout. Been too many accidents.

Sometimes, Nebraska still boggles me.  

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