Saturday, October 26, 2013

Fall is here

I must say that as Sariah is getting older I am beginning to like this Fall season a lot more. 
I get to burn a delicious smelling candle on a daily basis, make soups and bake and not die because it is so hot, and enjoy the oncoming holidays and festivities.

Last weekend we went to a pumpkin patch. I am still learning to remember to take pictures with two kids, so I don't have a lot to show for it... But Sariah loved it! Séamus slept through most of it. And I got kettle corn so all ended well.

Sariah actually has let me leave her in child watch while I work out this ENTIRE week long without crying! It is great! The true test will be how she does in nursery tomorrow...
Which is a bummer because I am pretty sure the magic trick is a pop tart.
And she is adorable. She is starting to pretend, and choose her own clothes to wear, and I love that she becomes more her own person every day.

Séamus I amazing. He can hold his head up so well, he is dark and tan- and people remark on it all the time. He had his first shots on this week and he is SO BIG! He is going to grow into a great person. 

And that is us :)

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1 comment:

  1. I think going to a pumpkin patch with Emmy is something I really look forward to when she's older! I celebrate the seasons more as I get older-- Yes, we MUST have chili on Halloween even if it is 85 degrees out!
