Wednesday, March 6, 2013

This man rocks

My husband rocks. Just saying.

The other day I noticed a mason jar just sitting around. Since we don't have a toothbrush holder, I decided to use the mason jar- since they are oh-so trendy now.

Joe: what are you gonna do with that?
Me: use is to put out toothbrushes in.
Joe: oh, I was gonna do that, but I thought it would look tacky.
Me: you kidding? Mason jars are the new trendy thing.
Joe: are you serious?
Me: and burlap. HUGE.
Joe: so being poor is the new trendy?
Me: basically.

I never new I would be trendy without trying. :)

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  1. So let's see this new toothbrush holder!

  2. Hahah and the kennel is also a new trend? ;)

    It seems on Pinterest that spending a lot of money to LOOK poor is also in!
