Monday, February 4, 2013

February: A love Affair

So, sorry I have been so MIA lately.
I flew home for a few weeks to California, which in itself is a distraction from blog land, but then the day we landed Sariah got sick. And has basically been sick for the whole first week we were here. Plus, we left CA when she was 11 months old. So, basically 6 months away and she remembers nobody- meaning lots of fussiness, me holding her, and not so much fun all around.

So, overall, I have been going to bed early (plus I got sick), and have been leaving blog land alone.
So, sorry. I am back.

Now, February. I know that this is a forgotten month. Other than the LOVE day, people don't care much.
Oh, you should, you ALL should.
Because honestly, this month ROCKS and blows all your other months OUT OF THE CALENDAR!!!
I mean, look at a calendar. Is there ANY other month that has SO MANY holidays? Sure, half of them may be in other countries- but that is just because the WHOLE world realizes this months significance!

Ground Hogs day (and for those of us that live anywhere cold, this is IMPORTANT)
Valentines Day
Ash Wednesday (No, I am not catholic- but I was born on Ash Wednesday, and it holds importance because of this).
Numerous Presidents birthdays/Holidays
The occasional extra day
Shortest month of the year

I mean, come on, this month rocks. Plus, in school (other than college) you basically had every Monday in February off due to some holiday. Plus because it is shorter (less is more, y'know), it goes by WAY fast, which is all fantastic for me, because my birthday is at the end of the month!

So, the way I see it, February is a win-win for everyone. (Clearly, I may be a little bit biased, and if your birthday does not fall in this month you may not agree. But still, you should).

So, you all should LOVE February.

1 comment:

  1. I love February too!! January is my least favorite time of the year (gloomy+resolutions+Christmas withdrawal), but February is so lovable with its quirky spelling and unique day-count! Ground hogs day is a great day that too few people enjoy, I think. ;) Thanks for reminding us of our good ol' February! :D
