Thursday, February 14, 2013

Be Mine

I never know how to feel about Valentines Day. This year, I think I have my feelings figured out.

Growing up, Valentines day is like another Halloween. You get to give out valentines (some more awkward than others, because you have to give one to everyone in your class), you get to make crafts and eat lots of sweets and candy. It was just a good day.
Then, when these days of valentine requirements is gone, and the idea of actually 'competing' (like the Hunger Games, but for men instead of your life), comes up, Valentines sort of lost its appeal. The Hallmark-ness seemed to hit in, and even now- it often seems like Valentines day is a day for women to be pampered by their men, and show the world how much their husbands can do for them.

We all know the story of St. Valentines.
Okay, maybe we don't. But we have some sort of idea, or have heard rumors.
It didn't end pretty, that is where I will end that one.

So what I don't get, is why does Valentines day have to be isolated to the person we are romantic with? I mean, all year long- I tell Joe I love him, and I think it means even more to him (I know i do) when he does romantic gestures that are NOT on intended romantic holidays. We have our anniversary. And then we have 364 (sometimes 365) other days of the year to rave about how much we appreciate and care for each other.

So, really, shouldn't valentines day be about LOVE? Not for those who we may share a bed or home with- but those who impact our lives for the better? Our capacity to love should not be limited to the ring on our finger. It should be only limited to how big our heart is.

I love Joseph.
And I really do like Valentines day, because why should anyone hate a day that is meant to show our love for each other?
I love Sariah, and my family, our furry animals, and all my friends and those wonderful teachers who have helped me, encouraged me and taught me along the way.

So, to you all,  HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!

I can't help but to laugh at this as I scroll threw my Facebook feed. =]

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  1. Happy Friday, Time for visit and follow.
    would be great if you can join my blog hop Friday.
    Have a nice day.

  2. Hey, new follower from the Aloha Friday Blog Hop. You've got a cute blog, can't wait to check it out some more. :)


  3. HAHAHAH I read a book last year to the kids about St. Valentine's Day, and part of it talked about a famous massacre by mobsters that took was a more informative, almanac type book. I certainly killed THAT mood.
    Happy Valentine's day! I agree that it doesn't need to just be about your significant other, I love that holiday because its an excuse to make a junk-load of baked goodies again. :D
