Sunday, January 13, 2013


I mentioned in my post over here a little bit about my dad.
I hope that you all are lucky enough one day to meet him. He truly is, one of a kind.
I hope you could get that by the quotes I posted- I mean, that is just the kind of man he is.

Anyways, it is no surprise that dad's tend to bug their children.
It is a common belief in my family that my dad made it a life goal to bug each of us.
Some of us embraced it more than others.
But inevitably, teenage years hit, and no matter how much we love our dad- the constant, "How is that one friend-that-you-had-in-pre-school- doing but I can't remember the name of?" get's kinda old. Fast.

ANYWAYS. This all sounds like a rant.
Not so.
I love this about my dad.
As much as it irritated us all, I love that he cared so much.
That he wanted to bother us with "Let's see who can not talk the longest contests", or "what is the new hip word of the week?" questions.
And, I am glad to say that Joe has vowed to do his best to live up to my dad's standards this way- the best he can.

Mostly, with Star Wars.
Now, Joe has mentioned LOTS of times the little things he is going to do to drive our kids insane. Or me.
Such as, when I ask him to go to the store- he wants all our kids to automatically respond by saying this:
Hand movements, accents, and all. 

But I think my favorite, has to be "R2-D2".
Whenever we get into the "are to, are not" argument, it ends quickly. 

Mary: Your going to knock everything off the counter if you leave that skillet there.
Joseph: Are not.
Mary: Are too.
Joseph: D-2.

Yep, that is how it rolls.

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  1. Replies
    1. Haha thanks, Joe is pretty pleased with himself.

  2. Hahahahha!!! I'm going to steal that d-2 idea and start saying it to mike.

  3. "Let's see who can not talk the longest contests"
    I don't want to break it to ya, but that's not really a contest... Haha well, in my family it wasn't ! Clever parents trying to get peace and quiet!
