Saturday, December 15, 2012

World Peace

A few years ago I started writing a story titled World Peace, in honor of my dad. Growing up, whenever we asked him what he wanted for a gift, he would always say he was a man of "few needs and less wants" and jokingly reply with "World Peace". I normally got him soap on a rope. 

Anyways, I like the topic of World Peace. It is far-fetched and way into the future, but, it is nice to think about. Except that we are human kind and so hard headed. I mean, if we can't even get a group of Republicans and Democrats in the same country to decide on the future of our finances, how in the world are we supposed to get together and decide on how to live harmoniously as a WORLD?

Everyone may have a different opinion and thoughts on this. 
But in my world, fair is based on situations. 
In my world, the only truth children learn of, is that bouillon cubes are not candy and vanilla extract doesn't taste as good as it smells. 

She is actually happy in this picture. She just has a mouth full of powder donut.

In my world, the only time you hear of "reform" is referring to a religious nature. 
In my world, time slows down after Thanksgiving and speeds up after January 1st. 
In my world, a drivers test takes more than just 6 months. It takes sweat and blood (we haven't decided if we want to be figurative or literal with that yet). 
In my world, people are CONGRATULATED when good news is heard. Not bombarded with worries and woes, questions about birthing plans, or ill-thoughts on if it is "too soon to be wed".
In my world, dogs don't fart.
In my world, Joey ended up with Dawson. 
In my world, you can use whatever type of light bulb you want.
In my world, Mother Nature is always around telling us what she needs, not making us second guess all the time. 
In my world, dishes don't break.
In my world, hills only go down. Stairs never go up.
In my world, cable is free.
In my world, shows never take 'summer breaks'.
In my world, stripes don't make people look fat.
In my world, sub woofers aren't allowed near a baby. 
In my world, old people are never alone.
In my world, cat's never smell.
In my world, dishes do themselves. 

In my world, true love never dies.
In my world, your best friends are always a duck without pants and a goofy dog (ha, love play on words).
In my world, it makes sense why there is a tiger and 2 kangaroos in the Hundred Acre Woods.
In my world, you greet people by laughing. Not to be mistaken as laughing-at-them or laughing-in-their faces. 
In my world, whenever someone dies, they receive recognition everywhere.
In my world, starting a war is a prestigious line of work (Not really. Name the movie!)
In my world, only good leftovers are ever left.
In my world, pictures always hang straight.
In my world, we are live in PEACE.

Far-fetced? Of course.
But it is my world, after all. 

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  1. I want a pants less duck to be my best friend!!

    And every time I watch Mr. Krueger's Christmas (the LDS movie with Jimmy Stewart) I think about how sad it is when old people are alone. D:

    I LIKE your world!

    1. Thank you, you are officially invited to join my world. And yes, seeing old people alone breaks my heart. Especially when they are eating alone at a restaurant and they look around and see everyone else being happy in groups. =[

  2. Cats don't smell? lol What? Cats don't smell! Do you mean their pee pee and poo poo? Because that smells HORRID.

  3. Haha, so what I MEANT was, well- let me explain. so, a few weeks ago I went visit teaching. And we taught a lady who the moment she opened her door, cat smell (yes, like pee and poop and all gross stuff) left her house. And she only had 2 cats. I started to get sick just sitting in her house. I don't understand how it could smell so bad! So that was what I was referring to. Cat's themselves don't smell bad- it's more like when people don't clean up after them.
