Monday, December 17, 2012

Movie Monday: Bad Advertisement

Today we are going to talk about bad advertising.
Specifically, commercials.
I have to admit, I sorta, kinda love commercials.
I love getting to the movie theaters early to watch the previews (although I haven't been to a movie in...well, over a year).
Anyways. Commercials are fun. But not all of them. Those ones where people dive into a pool of water and come out talking about contact lenses? Ya. Way boring. And the ones where they have bad actors failing down pretending to be hurt? It's embarrassing to watch.

But then there are those commercials that just make you angry.
Like the one on the radio that I hear ALL THE TIME about an online job agency. It has a man telling a girl who is the new receptionist that she needs to help out in an emergency operation down the hall and her saying, 'But I am not trained to do that". And the commercial then goes to say, "Tired of unqualified employees? Look here!".
REALLY? It bothers me. They hired her! Bad advertising is what it sounds like to me. It's not her fault, its the employees fault.
Some businesses should really pay that extra grand for a better commercial.

But anyways, the reason I say this is because of Lady Gaga's new perfume.
More specifically, the commercial.
Does it bother anyone else?
Isn't the point of these perfume commercials to make you WANT to buy it?
Like Brittany Spears 'fantasy' makes you want to be there and so you go and buy it and hope you go there yourself?
All I think when I watch this commercial is "I am creeped out". So, if I wear it, will I creep other people out?

Really. I know it is her "thing" and all- but it confuses me like crazy.

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  • Movie Monday: Bad AdvertisementToday we are going to talk about bad advertising. Specifically, commercials. I have to admit, I sorta, kinda love commercials. I love getting to the movie theaters early to watch the previews (although I haven't been to a mov… Read More


  1. I skimmed the video because 8 1/2 minutes of Lady Gaga advertising was too much. I don't watch much t.v., but when I do (this sounds like a dos equis commercial), I go to the bathroom during commercials to miss all of that. :)

    Have you seen the new Sears Christmas commercial? THAT one makes me laugh.

    1. Sorry about that! I know I can't watch it on safari, but I can on Google chrome. Random, right?
      And yes- I loved your dos equis comment- I was thinking the same thing and could just hear the accent coming out.

  2. I can't view the video for some reason, but I have to say the new Ragu commercials are like WHAT ARE YOU SERIOUS THAT IS REVOLTING but yet somehow still funny. Mostly shock. Then there's the 'shocking' bleach commercials that I just LOVE! The most recent ones I've noticed though are the Old Navy Christmas Vacation commercials, because I'm obsessed with that movie. LOL

    1. Dude, I havn't seen the Ragu commercial yet. The Old Navy ones tire me, because it is all that I see play when I watch shows on ABC/CW and stuff, and they play over and over and over about 6 times in a row, but other than that, I like it. I love a good dorky commercial. =]
