Saturday, December 8, 2012

Define the Word: Tacky

If this was a high school paper, or a talk I was giving at church, or even a college paper I was a few pages short of, I would probably start out by quoting the dictionary. But because of my age and years of experience, I am going to skip that step and instead just get the point.

Definingthe word: TACKY
Synonyms: Trashy, tasteless, cheesy.

Example 1:

Why buy a home when you can update your mobile home by 3 feet? Give it a face lift, and good as new! What every average American dreams of.

Example 2:

Screaming literally at a strangers dog for getting too close to their dog at a dog park. Because, you know, you don’t bring your dogto a dog park to play. Then when the owner of the screamed at dog says “What’syour problem” to the screamer, he says “F**** you”, tells you to watch your dog and walks away.

Example 3:

This grocery cart return situation. Am I the only one bothered by this?

Since it is a bad picture and hard to see, the opening is facing "in" and not out toward the aisle. 

Example 4:

Bad language. Cussing. Potty Mouths. Foul Words. Whatever you want to call it. If all you can think of to insult someone is a 4 (or 5)letter word that is most commonly used by teenagers and rap songs, than you need to improve your life and social standing. Just saying.

And there you go, your vocab lesson of the day. Brought to you by someone-who-cares and people-for-a-better-future. And me. And my still-existinganger to the rude man at the dog park with serious problems (who screams at adog in their face “Stay away from my dog?” HONESTLY?!?!).

The end. 

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  1. I spent a long time trying to figure out the grocery cart one. I had to get off my smart phone and get on a computer to fully appreciate its tackiness. Ha! What were they thinking?
    I'm sorry about the psycho dog owners. :( If you ever visit here, I'll take you guys and the dogs to the happiest doggy park (and BOWtique and BARKery) ever! I just go there on Saturdays to watch all the dogs interact. (Plus, two weiner dogs name Oscar and Meyer... makes my day :) )

    Can I add to your list? People who are deathly thin and complain about how fat they are. Especially at Christmas parties.... now the cookies are laced with GUILT!!
